Blog by client Sunny Sahota
Hair has always been an issue with me, as a light olive skinned female with thick dark hair, I have a lot of hair. Great for the hair on my head and of course my eyelashes, not so good when it came to my body and face.
To add to my woes, I also have very sensitive skin. Therefore when it came to shaving, plucking and waxing I always ended up having rashes on my skin as well as a lot of discomfort. Step forward Laser Hair Removal though!
I have heard a lot about Laser Hair Removal and after googling the treatment I was just bombarded with information of the different machines that are available, even at home ones! This was just information overload for me as I didn’t know where to start to even book laser hair removal or what to have. Clinic or at home? Eeek! Help Me!
However, after scrolling through social media I came across Laser Skin Medical that were local to me in the West End and also looked just amazing! I also had a look at the reviews and everything looked perfect.
I firstly rang up the clinic and Silvia mentioned that they had the latest hair removal treatment which was the Cynosure , which was an effective hair removal system for longer lasting results! ‘Oh wow’ I said, and I wanted to have the treatment asap! However I was informed that I was to come in first for a patch test before having the treatment.
“I can’t thank Silvia enough for my FLAWLESS legs”
I came to the clinic that afternoon and I had a patch test – everything was great and so the following week I went in for my full treatment for my legs.
All i can say is WOW WOW WOW , I had slight redness after my treatment and the pain was minimum, but with that said, i knew it would be effective compared to other hair removal procedures.
Since then I have been super regular with my appointments and I have had a course of 4 so far and I can honestly say my legs have never FELT so smooth, and my hair re-growth is the bare minimum. I mean I just get a few light thin hairs that may come through once in a while , but they are actually not even noticeable unless you go very close up to it.
Also to add, I used to get these really annoying dots on my legs where the hair would regrow, and now they are no more, I literally have baby skin on my legs.
I really cannot recommend enough Laser Hair Removal enough, especially at Laser Skin Medical
Thank you Silvia! And my legs thank you too!
Book your treatment today